Talk: The Evolution of a Bicycle Chopper Gang: Leadership, Management, and Teamwork for Fun on a Saturday Night

When I started a bicycle chopper gang nineteen years ago, I had no idea it would become anything more than a light hobby. As SCUL approaches its twentieth orbit, it’s time to look back and reflect on how we have evolved into an important part of this incredible culture we have in the City of Somerville.

Grand Opening of the Ready Room Microgallery

As some of you may have heard, I’m transforming the upper-half of my studio space at the Artisan’s Asylum in to a microgallery: to be called the Ready Room. Please join me in celebrating my new level of commitment towards sculpture and art in a celebration, and see my newest never-before seen works. Warning: this is a fifty foot space, so things will be crowded to say the least. I will do my best to accommodate!