Mima i403

Two bicycle headset cones, two large rod clamps, two bicycle coaster brake shoes, three bicycle axle cones, three bicycle axles, bicycle free-hub spline, two bicycle stem rods, two bicycle stem wedge bolts, two three-speed bicycle hub pawls, bicycle bottom bracket cup, bicycle headset lock nut, two washers, two bicycle coaster hub expanders, large nut, machine screw, two planetary gears, four ball bearings, copper, bronze.

3 lbs, 1.8 oz.
12 x 6.5 x 2.25″


Mima has a waist that spins counter-clockwise from above, but not the other way around. This, along with her neck, allows for her to dance and pose in interesting ways.

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If you're interested in something inspired by this piece, please let me know. Other works are available.

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