Kepler m254

While Kepler may not be famous in the literal sense, he’s a Astrobot of note, as he is the first one to travel internationally. He continues to happily live a happy and peaceful life in Belgium, and we actually stay in touch.

He’s also a very rare type of Astrobot, with a stationary body save for his articulated neck, shoulders, and wrists. Kepler is a Mercury Class Astrobot, but he’s got features only found in the Proteus Class. Essentially he stands around waving his arms at everyone, it gives him great story-telling body language.

sixty bicycle parts, two milling blades, castle nut, balance scale bell, forged plant hanger, vegetable steamer louver, six nuts, three bolts, four washers, bronze, copper, steel, enamel

9 lbs. 6 oz.
23 x 14 x 4″

This piece has sold

If you're interested in something inspired by this piece, please let me know. Other works are available.

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