Dyanna t368

A Somernovian Story: Skunkadelia & Dyanna from Somernova on Vimeo.

Dyanna was a commissioned piece to be the icon of fearless innovation for Somernova. She is located just outside my studio space at the Artisan’s Asylum. She loves to have her picture taken with folks who come and visit her.

A steel heart was placed in the chest cavity of Dyanna before sealing it in with a backplate.

Dyanna has a secret: the last thing I gave her was a big strong plasma-cut bronze encrusted robo-heart. Here’s the last image taken of the ‘Heart of Dyanna’ before it was sealed forever into place, never to be seen again.

Four CNC tool holders, scuba tank, vintage motorcycle tank, antique truck swilvel ball joint, two Bridgeport handle wheels, two tool holders, acme threaded rod, axe heads, railroad spikes, bolts, bicycles, MBTA garage springs, antique wrenches, antique lathe belt gear, two lathe chucks, two beam connectors, two spindles, steel tubing, motorcycle clutch plate, large gears, nuts, washers, bronze

estimated mass: 800 lbs

Where to find Dyanna

Dyanna greets folks as they enter the Somernova Courtyard. See the map below for her exact location. Come and visit!

This piece has sold

If you're interested in something inspired by this piece, please let me know. Other works are available.

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