Eris j259

Thirty-four bicycle parts, Four Millbury factory loom gears, lathe chuck, drill press cover, crankshaft, 4 industrial auger bits, machinist parts, typewriter, hardware, bronze, copper

105 lbs.
46″ x 25″ x 13″

Part sun-greeter, part Fearless Girl, part curious wanderer, Eris is a Jupiter-Class Astrobot that possesses a synergy that is achieved with just the right collection of parts joined in just the right way. Her emotions are complex and subtle, and can change depending on the light, the viewer’s angle, and even her position relative to other objects. Her pose hints to another presence as she seems to be fixated upon something, perhaps far away on the horizon.

Eris is a collection of rare objects accumulated over the years. The enormous taps that make her skirt is a particularly rare set of elements to come across: they were donated from the Tufts Physics Lab. Tufts also donated the amazing pieces of steel that make up three of her four appendages. The two mill gears that comprise her feet were gifted by a fellow artist.

Eris is brush coated in several layers of Permalac clear lacquer, and can survive outdoors year round in New England. I am available for touch-up maintenance if needed. She has eighteen-inch long hooked rods to hold her in place.

If you are in the Boston Area, I can deliver and install.


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