Astrobots are built to be very low maintenance, as their primary directive is to remind humans to smile for hundreds of years to come. With a little help from their caretakers, they can easily accomplish this task.
Astrobots are coated with high-quality polyurethane which protects them from surface rust. However they are not designed to live outdoors in harsh weather for long periods of time, unless the client has specified otherwise. An example of an outdoor piece would be Dyanna – she’s been prepped and equipped with several thinly applied coats of Permalac lacquer. If you are interested in an Astrobot that can handle the rigors of New England weather, contact Skunk. Otherwise don’t let your Astrobots hang out in the rain or snow.
If an Astrobot does get wet, simply wipe them dry with a cloth or paper towel. Do not let the water remain on the surface for long periods of time.
Cleaning Your Astrobot
Astrobots can be cleaned with any damp cloth with standard household general purpose cleaner. A microfiber dust wand works well. Wire brushes and harsh chemicals such as acetone should not be used as it will scratch the polyurethane.
Other than weld wire, clear coat, and a small piece of copper sheet for the boilerplate, all Astrobots are constructed from a mix of 100% repurposed steel. Skunk uses a TIG welder to join these mix of steel alloys together in the strongest way available. While these robots are strong, they are not indestructible. Occasionally a repair is needed. In the event of an Astrobot tragedy, please contact Skunk to arrange a repair.
Enhancements and Upgrades
If you are lucky enough to be in possession of an early Astrobot, you may be interested in a refinish, or even having some bronze ‘charm rivets’ or some details added. The earliest Astrobots did not come equipped with a boilerplate, but have their name faintly engraved on their right foot. All these upgrades are available, the first step is to contact Skunk.
Proteus Class Astrobot Care and Maintenance
Anything that has moving parts needs a little TLC now and then. In this video Skunk goes over the workings and maintenance of his pose-able, Proteus Class Astrobots, which entails hinge joints as well as ball-and-socket joints, which are completely designed and constructed by the artist.